Update 2018-07-08: Just wanted to invite all NoGrip fans over to Race Department. It looks like we’re not going to get NoGrip back and many have already moved over to Race Department. Their GTR2 forum is starting to come to life and the RD guys have recently filled out the GTR2 Downloads categories and people have been uploading there so it’s starting to feel more like home. You can always use RD for free and, if you’re so inclined, I feel the service they provide is worth paying for their premium membership. Unlike many other small-time sites like NoGrip, RD has some serious business muscle behind it so, hopefully, it’s not likely to disappear like some of the other small sites like NoGrip. If you’re still looking for another alternative, I recommend the European Endurance Center.
Update 2018-06-13: Sorry, no good news to share, but I did want to re-share the Nogripracing.com gone? thread over on RaceDepartment.com. Looks like more and more nogripgracing.com members and fans have been migrating over there. Don’t forget about the European Endurance Center which is also an excellent resource and alternative site for most of the things you could find on NoGrip. Don’t worry about their somewhat tedious signup process, they’re friendly enough and the site is worth it.
Update 2018-06-04: A user by the name of wibble has posted over at RaceDepartment.com about the the situation indicating the hosting contract has expired but they have a full backup of all the data on the server. I replied with some questions and asked if there were any way we fans and members could help out. It sounds like there is a past due hosting bill situation and, if that’s the case, I am personally willing to contribute to help pay off the bill and get the server hosted elsewhere. Please leave a comment if you’d like to help keep nogripracing.com alive!
Members and fans of nogripracing.com will probably have noticed by now that the site is down. I first noticed the site as down May 30th. If you are the owner, know the owner, or have news of the downtime I’d appreciate hearing what’s going on.
At this point, the downtime has gone on a few days and it’s looking less likely that it will come back, although I’ll be delighted if it does! NoGrip hosts many downloads for many different sims.
You can find alternatives to nogripracing.com at RaceDepartment.com and the European Endurance Center (which also serves general sim racing purposes), eSport-Racing.de (non-English language but you can work your way around). If you know of any others, please leave them in the comments, thank you!
Best of luck to NoGripRacing! I really hope it makes a comeback. The site really served an important niche not really served by anybody else.
If you are the owner or know the owner please let them know that I’d be happy to provide mirror hosting for the site if they’re having issues with hosting.
OK I have another question for you guys: For reasons totally unknown MEGA does not work for me anymore, I used to DL (Firefox) some things with it in the past with no probs but no matter what try I can’t DL anymore! . Now there is this mod for GTR2 that I want a lot and I wanna ask if pls someone can DL it for me and up it Mediafire or so!? That would be so grand! Here is the link:
It’s the mod on top called RMS-GT-SERIES-2018 V2.0 that I would like to have! Thx in advance! Yes this a question I would have asked on nogripracing as well! ;-)
Have you tried another browser with mega? I recall some problem where Firefox didn’t support enough “buffer” for downloads and Chrome worked for me.
Also, I just tried the mega download link and it was working for me in Firefox.
No I think I have tried everything. IE as well. Some say it might be no more supported cos I’m still on XP but I really dunno. MEGA used to work very fine for me until last year though. :-( So would you pls up that mod for me!? I would be very thankful! Thx!
BTW: http://www.bierbuden.de is also trying to keep the “old” SIMS alive.
We do have a lot of resources (tracks&cars) for GTL/GTR2/Power&Glory/Asseto Corsa …
That’s great, looks like a nice site. I’ll add that to the list of community sites!
*Note to anyone seeing this you can use https://translate.google.com to run the page in your browser pre-translated for you :P)
Same here. I gladly would donate a bit too being a member there for years. Would be kinda sad to lose that site. Btw. has anyone got the HAT files for GTR 2 track Cannonball Run!? I urgently need those to make it work it seems.
Glad to hear there’s some support for this. Sorry can’t help you with the HAT files thing. Try posting on RaceDepartment or EEC, though, I’m sure somebody could point you in the right direction.
if that track exists for gt legends too, start it there it will generate a hat file and copy over to gtr2.
Why don’t you – pls!? I don’t have GT Legends you know…
if there is a file named JohnstoneCounty.hat thats it. but i can check it if i find the dvds :)
Yes that’s the name of it. Would be awesome if you may have it and can up it!
thats strange why its not working for you but gtr2 generates HAT files too…. doesnt matter, where you want to have it?..or i choose?..packed 220 MB for all layouts from BenMK1´s version 1.0 for gtr 2 ….. thats the price for halfbaked game to game mod conversions :)
I know it creates files. As said: That specific track loads 80% then game CTD’s. HAT file is created but is 0 kb.
https://ulozto.sk/!I6Wz01AXgivV/hat-rar here you are:) thank me later when it works :D:D
@ bozont: I do thank you dearly – but still no wroom wroom! :-( Track loads 80% and then CTDs after two minutes with Runtime Error. Just like before. I think I need to give up on this – dunno what is wrong especially if those .HAT files should actually work. Damn…My last hope are people who do have both GTR2 and that track and can tell me if it works for them or not – otherwise that’s it. Thx again, mate.
thats a pitty. i tried it on steam version of gtr2 and run only practice sesions …..a can suggest only one other option, to run it with the trace file. have to create a gtr2.bat file and put the line gtr2.exe – trace=1000. can be done with notepad. change the file extension to “bat” place it in the directory with the gtr2.exe file and run the game thru it. it will generate a trace.txt file in ***\GTR 2 – FIA GT Racing Game\UserData\Log….you can open it and check for errors. and som more capable guy or gal will help you with …and here ends all my know-how to this matter. (:/)
I would be willing to contribute to get it back up as well.
Your support is definitely appreciated. Not looking good so far, though, no news, nobody seems willing to come forward with options, sadly.
FWIW, a little snooping (Accessify and Whois sites) reveals little about nogripracing. It changed ownership in Feb. 2014 and “public access to Nogripracing ownership data is restricted due to privacy matters”; previous owner was Eamonn O’Doherty. Domain is registered through GoDaddy to “Registration Private Domains By Proxy, LLC” and doesn’t expire til Jan 2019. Since June 2015 they have been hosted by OVH SAS in France.
Thanks for the heads up. News is painfully slow from those who know what’s going on. I’d love to help get the site back up.