Some cultures and geographical regions practice monogamy (single spouse) and polygamy to greater or lesser degrees over history. Many cultures largely upheld a general form of monogamy, if not in law then in practice, but the advent and spread of Christianity has done much to cement the idea of monogamy around the world. But how do we understand what precisely is the ‘rule’ when the Bible, itself, records polygamy, even Godly examples, and does not plainly prescribe monogamy into law?
The New Covenant: The Greatest Law – Part 16 – Divorce and Re-Marriage
Jesus then tells them that a man sins if he divorces and re-marries for any reason except sexual immorality. It is noteworthy that Jesus doesn’t take away the option of divorce, He simply describes the state of a man who does divorce: They are in sin if they marry another woman, except if it is for sexual immorality. Jesus is not attempting to make a new rule here but to confirm, yet again, that the Law was insufficient for men to live righteously…
The New Covenant: The Greatest Law – Part 15 – Close Relations
The taboo against the marrying of close family relations is one of the most widespread taboos in the world, across all major cultural groups [1]. Our visceral reaction makes it all the more interesting that our reason stems from the Bible, Leviticus 18:6, specifically, because this is so long after Adam and Eve, up to 2500 years later. We are given a moral problem, then, when it comes to Adam and Eve, and who their children married, since they lived before any cultural norms had time to rise.
The New Covenant: The Greatest Law – Part 14 – Age Of Consent
We in the West have generally decided on the age of 16-18 to mark adulthood. Culturally, while things are changing, we tend to be dubious about sex before 16 and marriage before 18. Legally, things are different, and there are ‘close in age’ exceptions. In Old Testament times, the ‘age of consent’, as they would have understood it, would be shockingly low from a modern perspective. So, the real question is, how did we arrive at these ages?
The New Covenant: The Greatest Law – Part 13 – Sex Before Marriage
Sexual immorality in the Bible included sex outside of marriage and this is the phrasing commonly used throughout the Bible to include sexual activity outside of marriage. It would have been clear to first century Jews, based only on their customs and regular teachings, that outside of marriage was immoral. Yet, these law came more than a thousand years after Adam and Eve who are not recorded as having been married…
The New Covenant: The Greatest Law – Part 12 – Dating, Attraction, Lust
Conservative Christianity has long had an uncomfortable relationship with youth romance. Baptists have long been the butt of jokes about bans on dancing. Evangelicals love talking about, teaching about, and writing about sex, though, as they reached late stage Evangelicalism. The topic has always been couched in heavy moral language, however, and leans more than other issues into ‘legalistic’ views of the Bible. There’s one admonition that towers above them all, however, and that’s lust.
The New Covenant: The Greatest Law – Part 11 – Anger and Wrath
It is true the Bible talks about restraining anger: “‘In your anger do not sin’: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold” (Ephesians 4:26-27). Yet, we know that anger is frequently ascribed to God so we know there’s more to it than simply ‘do not be angry’ [1]. Even Paul, in Ephesians, says “In your anger, do not sin.” If God can be angry, how do we understand anger, for ourselves?
The New Covenant: The Greatest Law – Part 10 – Work and Rest
The relatively recent phenomenon of the ‘Protestant work ethic’ has instilled in those of us of the West an abiding sense of pride in work but also shame and guilt in rest. We are well into the post-Christian era of the West and some feel this pride and shame to greater or lesser degrees. Yet, in Christian circles, particularly Protestant, we continue to value some vocations and some life paths over others.
The New Covenant: The Greatest Law – Part 9 – War and Killing
There’s no easy way to put this. You are almost certain to experience, in your lifetime, a major conflict that will affect you, in your home country. Exploring war and killing is an exercise in brutality against the intellect and against the heart.
The New Covenant: The Greatest Law – Part 8 – Drugs and Psychedelics
The kinds of drugs and psychedelics we’ll be looking at are the kind that give a user a “trip” and often, because of feelings of euphoria or enlightenment, create a desire to experience the trip again. Trips, in particular, are often described by feelings of euphoria, oneness, enlightenment, and sometimes even voices, beings, angels, or even demons, who sometimes even communicate.