The following story was entirely generated by ChatGPT+ with GPT-4. A number of revisions were requested of and performed by the AI to improve the story, characters, and plot, but no human writing of the actual story was included. The featured image is also AI generated, from Nightcafe. The Oath of the Five Realms In…
YouTube Finds: Cyberpunk Documentary
A surprisingly well-written and deep look at cyberpunk and its origins in sci-fi and its growth into its own. From short stories to books to movies and video games, it’s all here. And perhaps, most importantly, the meaningful, existential ideas and questions that cyberpunk surfaces also get attention throughout.
YouTube Finds: Historic Prince Edward Island
Prince Edward Island is a place out of time, a place behind the time, a place resting in time: Cradled on the waves, as the indigenous Mi’kmaq called it. PEI has a long history with our Ontario-based family having road-tripped out many times in our childhood. My father and my brother, and their families, have…
Merry Christmas 2022
Here’s some festive videos I’ve enjoyed over the year. I hope you enjoy them, too! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
YouTube Finds: Song for a Winter’s Night Cover
The poor recording, the echoing acoustics, the shuffling chairs, the clash of plates, the rustic den ambience… All of it set against the incredible voice and guitar picking of one Mr. Brian Ekard covering the legendary Gordon Lightfoot and pulling it off exceptionally well.
Must Watch YouTube: In Defense Of Sucker Punch
Sucker Punch was derided on release as not much more than lurid fantasy but if you watch closely you’ll find a much better story than you ever thought was in this movie. This video will help you see it.
Must Watch YouTube: Full Metal Jacket: Born Again Hard
You probably don’t understand Full Metal Jacket, like me, unless you’re very clever or you’ve watched this excellent video analyzing the film: Jung’s influence is revealed in full contrast here.
Must Watch YouTube: The Philosophy of J.R.R. Tolkien: Why Things Keep Getting Worse
A Wisecrack classic, this video dives into what’s really going on with Tolkien’s philosophy as he crafts Lord of the Rings: “Tolkien envisioned the End of History, as being likewise eucatastrophic; that though history would be nothing more than “the long defeat,” it would ultimately have a happy ending as unexpected as the eagles arriving at Mount Doom.”
Must Watch YouTube: Star Wars: The Last Jedi – What Went Wrong?
Wisecrack was back in form with this video to take a look at what infamous director, Rian Johnson, was trying to do and where he was trying to take the franchise. It doesn’t try to excuse what Rian did but it does show that Rian Johnson was thinking deeper things directing Star Wars than we might give him credit for.
YouTube Finds: Anne of Green Gables Ghibli-style Japanese Anime from 1979 (Full Series)
This incredible 50-episode series recreates the Anne of Green Gables books in vintage, beautiful Ghibli-style Japanese anime.