Silver Chair,
how I hate you!
You’re always there, lurking,
at the end of every good thing!
(Stealing away every pleasure!)
Silver Chair,
how I hate your lies!
You tell me all this wasn’t,
while all the while I know it was! It was!
(You took it away!)
Temptation, come my way!
Lured and trapped,
sheep to the slaughter!
Silver Chair,
how I hate your words!
You speak to me of dos and donts,
but I know of your weels and your wonts!
(Cast it to the ground!)
Silver Chair,
how I hate your angles!
You make meaningless my pleasure
and you show me my measure!
(Burn bright to the ground!)
Temptation, come my way!
Lurid and tainted,
sheep to the slaughter!
Silver Chair,
trouble me no more!
You’re gone within minutes,
why should I care.
(Why do you care?)
Silver Chair,
how I hate what you show!
You show me what’s ugly…
you show me myself.
(Don’t show me myself.)
Temptation, come my way.
Bruised and broken,
sheep to the shear.
Silver Chair,
don’t leave me here!
You’re already gone,
you’ve left me alone.
(Don’t leave me alone.)
Silver Chair,
why did you go?
I want what you do.
Clarity. You do clarity.
(Clearly. You show me clearly.)
Temptation, go away.
Broken and beaten,
crushed underfoot.
Silver Chair,
you bring me clarity.
You put everything in its place.
All weights are set correct.
(Gravity sets all a’right.)
Silver Chair!
Reflector of my heart!
Don’t go!
You’re gone.
(I want to go with you.)
Temptation, get behind me!
Beaten and lost,
crushed under your foot!
Silver Chair,
you were never the thing were you?
You cleared the air, brought sanity to madness,
so I could find myself clearly.
(Clearly. So I could find You clearly.)
have mercy on me,
a sinner!