I’m new at this but as far as my own blog goes I don’t think I’ll be categorizing my posts.
Followers of all religions around the world have a common ideal of living the teachings of their faith. Christians are often criticized for compartmentalizing their faith. Sunday is for church, monday is for work. Church is for spirituality. Work is for earning money. And neither the twain shall meet.
So let this be another key about my blog. I will not neatly put posts in boxes that can easily be separated one from another because, like life, faith should permeate all that we are and do.
Let this be a factor of my blog, something to remind me and others who may ask, that categorizing our lives can all too easily close doors of relationships and hurt our ability to reach those in need.
But, remember, I’m new to blogging and not categorizing my posts isn’t something to be canonized into doctrine. Forgive me if I ever renege and remember, also, that holding too firmly to a system or belief, one not worth dying for, may actually hurt you or others.