In this moment lie two. Darkness, sweet, lay heavy. Here, in this moment, lies love.
Moonlight graces her tresses and her frame. Shine of sorrow, searing, and of pity, piercing. Their eyes are locked, inclined one to another. Eyes forlorn and longing to long. That time will come and will yet be under many moonless ages. In those receiving eyes, giving, unspeakable, lie unknowns, unrepeatable. The air carries no voice, but word does carry, slowed by the intoxication of the moment.
For all eternity, too long, and not long enough. Fear flutters on the cusp. Wearied will lifts laden lids. And he is utterly undone.
In this moment lie two. Both true and false. Both known and unknown. Both love and loss. Fear willed and sought safety, but unwitting welled deep and strong and true; love, where in this moment lie two.
What is this from? Sounds very cool
It’s from me. It’s bad love poetry. :P But it’s what I wanted to write.
(for the record, not the bad part!)