Prisms reveal a rainbow of coloured light when placed in the path of white light. The prism lens shows us the multi-coloured light that was there all along. Looking at the bands of colours can tell us something about the original light and tracing the colours back through the prism can tell us something about the source. Prisms, then, can be seen as a lens for interpreting light and source.
Author: Matt
How to do Small/Indie Software Subscriptions
If you need more revenue then you need to get creative and provide real value. There are many different and good ways to create revenue streams with subscriptions that will provide options and a positive experience to users.
Must Watch YouTube: Feeling the Void
Like Stories Of Old usually takes a handful of movies and crafts a relevant narrative around a central theme they contain. The level of careful thought, insight, and impact makes Like Stories Of Old reliably exceptional. First watch Everything Everywhere All At Once and then watch this Must Watch YouTube.
Must Watch YouTube: John Wick – Movies With Mikey
Movies with Mikey’s take on the original John Wick showcases the incredible creativity, talent, and passion the creator puts into his videos. Along the way he reveals a brilliant take on what’s really going on in John Wick. Almost every Movies With Mikey movie review is Must Watch YouTube.
Unhitched Part 4: Aftermath
The last part ended with focusing in on the simplicity of the New Covenant and how it provides a simpler guide to life’s complexity. Today, we’re going to wrap things up by focusing on the pillars of the New Covenant and how they apply to us for our Christian walk.
Unhitched Part 3: A Man’s Reach Should Exceed His Grasp, or What’s a Heaven for?
In the last part, we admitted maybe we are unhitched from the Old Testament (Old Covenant) and that maybe we do have a better and more demanding set of commandments instead of the Old Covenant Law and Prophets. But where are we supposed to go from there?
Unhitched Part 2: A Man’s Reach Should Exceed His Grasp
Stanley said it bluntly, “You are not accountable to the Ten Commandments. You are not accountable to the Jewish Law.” Is this actually true? And, if it is true, what does that mean for how we act out moral choices?
Unhitched Part 1: A Man’s Reach
While I do sense some heretical tendencies I have always thought Stanley was onto a certain something, a hint of a something about our faith, our morality, and our freedom in Christ, even if his surface idea appears irreconcilable with scripture.
This isn’t a Tim’s Card, it’s a hand up
I’ve written before about helping the less fortunate by using a Tim’s Card. I usually include a Gospel-oriented Bible verse in the spirit of seeing all the possibilities around us to spread the good news of Jesus. But sometimes the poor need more – from you. That happened today when I went to my grocery store.
Secrets of GTR2 Mods
Secrets of GTR2 Mods: Tips, tricks, resources, and other helpful information.