Now, this site I’m about to present looks a little amateurish but I want you to take this as an exercise in how to extract truth from resources that might be questionable.
Some claims are extraordinary and the old saying goes extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
So, visit, peruse what’s there and, in spite of your inclinations to recoil at what looks amateur, continue on and check everything out. If you’re really interested in the truth, you’ll keep searching. Any claims can easily be squashed by a google search so you’ll know right away what’s right and what’s wrong.
I think when you approach hard facts like this you’ll begin to see them for what they are: Facts. And facts are approached from different angles. Is it possible fact A could be part of evolution? Yes? Is it possible fact A could be part of creation? Yes? What would that mean if fact A was present in a case where creation was true? What would that mean for you? It should mean something significant. It should mean creation has some evidence to back it up. And, if it does, that’s a game changing.