We Have Come Into His House Chords
Verse 1 (G)
We (A)
Have (D)
Come Into His House
And Gathered In His (G)Name To (A)
Worship Him;
We Have (Em)Come Into His (A)
And(Em)gathered In His (A)
Name To (G)
Worship (D)
We Have Come Into His House
And Gathered In His Name To (G)Worship Christ The Lord;
(D)Worship Him, (A)
Jesus Christ The (D)
Verse 2 Let’s For-get About Ourselves And Concentrate On Him, And Worship Him. Let’s Forget About Ourselves And Concentrate On Him, And Worship Him. Let’s Forget About Ourselves And Concentrate On Him, And Worship Christ The Lord. Worship Him, Christ The Lord.
Verse 3 Let us lift up holy hands, magnify His name and worship Christ our Lord. Let us lift up holy hands, magnify His name and worship Christ our Lord. Let us lift up holy hands, magnify His name and worship Christ our Lord. Worship Him, worship Christ.
These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.