These chords are wrong... especially the first line... it does not make musical sense
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These chords are wrong... especially the first line... it does not make musical sense
Hi there Terry.
Is this closer to the youtube video of the song you think ?
This is correct. You can play it in any key and it makes perfect sense. It is a standard 1,4, 5 song with the 5th a 7.
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Emmy Lou does this song best in my opinion. Clean and simple and pure as gold. Try this progression: D, G, A ... yes, that simple.
As far as I can make out, it goes like this:
Cm G Cm
Friday left me fumblin' with the blues
Cm Bb Ab
G7 Cm G7
And it's hard to win when you always lose
Cm Bb Cm G7 Cm / F7 /
Because the night-spots spent your spirit beat your head against the wall..
Eb G Cm
G Cm G Cm G Cm G
Two dead ends and you still got to choose
God created us to live our lives focused on
Him. His purpose from the very beginning was that we should be
“God-conscious,” not “self-conscious.”
Yikes!! I don't know how well you play guitar, but you might want to check that last statement out with God mate. Just trying to help
The concept of nothingness is a construct created by our consciousness to cope with being alive. There was never any nothingness for creation to occur. Therefore god can not exist. But, if god did exist, only a moron would believe he was a conscious being that listened to your problems. Only a moron would believe worshipping and praying had any consequence. Just trying to help.
I personally believe in Jesus and God. They are very real to me and I do not believe anyone has ever called me a moron before. :-). By the way name calling is just a technique for people who want to put you down but don’t have truth on their side. Love you brother. Seek Him.
Our ukulele group plays this with much more complex chord progressions ... Em, Ebaug, Em7, Em6, C6, D6, G and B7 for the verses and G, Cm, G, D7, B7 for the chorus. I cannot play the chorus without thinking of DATA on Star Trek....trying to learn this song.
Who has written the music to How long has it been, since you talked with the Lord. By Thomas Mozie Lister?
I am new to guitar so forgive me if this is a dumb question but what is the strum pattern for this song? Is it simply all down strums?
These cords are incorrect. D and G is the main line. Yes true, you can play it in any Key but the original is easy to sing and play and sounds exactly like the original, so why change it?
Literally can not find a decent version of Summertime anywhere on the net. Guitar chord and tab web sites are a bloody plague, so many of them and most steal content from each other. The original version seems not to have been tabbed at all and it's very difficult to hear the guitar in the song.
Egg beats? I think that's "eight beats." The music there is played "eight to the bar."
Hi there Scott.
Thanks for the comment, this should be correct now.
Best regards. www.gilsi.com
Nafn lagsins er Bony Moronie.
Little Richard hefur aldrei gefið þetta lag út.
Bony Moronie:
Lag og texti Larry E Williams
Flytjandi Larry E Williams (1957)
Cover John Lennon (1975)
I agree! I just played it on my uke, and it sounds great!
I've been looking around for his on other chord sites, so I'm thankful for the person who submitted it here!
changes to some of the words. listening closely, these changes should be made to the lyrics here. 2nd line "I've laughed some, but oh I've cried." 5th line "In my grief and deep despair" chorus "And He spoke in gentle tones to me, Climb higher, and see That beyond the misty veil, the sun is shining."
Actually, if you are playing Pink Floyd's version, these chords are exactly right. I just played right along with the song on my ukulele and the chords fit perfectly. And Pink Floyd is the best! :D
Willie Nelson, Leon Russell. Their version is smoking. Only thing I don't hear is that strange B minor over "tellin'", doesn't fit to my ears, but thanks for helping with this. Not your standard I IV V.
the ukulele chords work nicely with Bobby Osborne's version of this song. from his album "The Selfishness In Man"
song is deceptively simple when you listen to it, but actually in some
versions of it the chord progressions differ quite a bit between what
seem at first listen to be identical verses; there is also some
disagreement about the actual structure of the song i.e. which bit(s)
is/ are the chorus if any?. Laura Cantrell does a nice version I think.
One version I have which I think works for the way Laura Cantrell sings
it is 1st verse/ stanza F#m Bm D/Abass A F#m Bm D/A bass. Next
stanza i.e. from "Do not ask me love to linger . . . . D/A bass Bm A
F#m D/Abass Bm A D A. Then the stanza starting "When the Roses
bloom again, and the sun . . . F#m Bm D/Abass A F#m Bm A D
A. This third stanza has elements of the first one but then copies the
second one in the last line.. The 4th stanza "With the rattle of the
battle . . . has the same chords as the first one. The 5th stanza is
almost exactly like the 3rd one except replace the second Bm chord with
#m. F. Finally the third stanza is repeated.
In places A and F#m chords are interchangeable as all the melody notes sung fit in with both chords fine.
this helps! I like to think I'm pretty good at working out chords by
listening and strumming a guitar and can do most songs pretty afst - but
this one (at least L Cantrell's version) is very interesting and
doesn't simply do the same each time - it was a challenge to sort it out
but fun.
Ég hef alltaf heyrt þetta kvæði sungið við lagið "Efst á Arnarvatnshæðum".
Flott lag engin spurning sérstaklega þar sem Nancy er með.
I was excited about this sight, since it appeared the chords folled the actual lyrics, but I've noticed already on a few songs that the chords are not exactly right. If you want repeat hits, then fix your songs.
Hi there Randy.
We do correct the songs if users write comments for the songs that are not correct.
However we do get so many songs every day that we don´t have the manpower yet to check all of them all as they roll in.
please send us comment on those songs you find that are not correct
like with wrong chords, wrong lyrics or in the wrong key and we fix it
We do like to have ALL the songs correct and we need our users to point out if something is missing or gone wrong.
So please feel free to send in as many comments as needed.
With best regards
Thorgils Bj. www.gilsi.com
That line with the question mark in it, should be "There's a roof above and good walls all around.".
Fly Me to the Moon er eftir Bart Howard. Lagið er kennslubókardæmi um fimmundarganga og er í raun 3 fimmhljóma fimmundagangar. Margt ekki alveg eins og það á að vera hér að ofan. Sendi inn útgáfu með öðrum hljómum og vona að hún verði tekin til greina.