G D7 G D7 GThere shall be show-ers of bless-ing, Pre-cious re-viv-ing a-gain,C G Em D7O-ver the hills and the val-leys, Sound of a-bun-dance of rain.G D7Show-ers of bless-ing, Show-ers of Bless-ing we need,G C G D7 GMer-cy drops round us are fall-ing, But for the show-ers we plead. VERSE 3G D7 G D7 GThere shall be show-ers of bless-ing, Send them up-on us, O Lord,C G Em D7Grant to us now a re-fresh-ing, Come, and now hon-or thy Word.G D7Show-ers of bless-ing, Show-ers of Bless-ing we need,G C G D7 GMer-cy drops round us are fall-ing, But for the show-ers we plead. VERSE 4G D7 G D7 GThere shall be show-ers of bless-ing, Oh, that to-day they might fall ,C G Em D7Now as to God we’re con-fess-ing, Now as on Je-sus we call!G D7Show-ers of bless-ing, Show-ers of Bless-ing we need,G C G D7 GMer-cy drops round us are fall-ing, But for the show-ers we plead.