He Looked Beyond My Fault Lyrics & Chords
By Dottie Rambo
Amazing (C)
Grace shall always be my (F)
song of praise For it was (C)
grace (G)
that (C)
bought my liber(D)
ty (G)
I do not (C)
know just how He came to (F)
love me so He looked be(C)
yond my faults and saw (G)
my (C)
need Chorus (C)
I shall (G)
ever (F)
lift mine (Em)
eyes to (C)
Calvary To view (G)
the (Am)
cross where (F)
Jesus (C)
died for (D)
me (G)
How (C)
marvelous the (F)
grace that caught my (C)
falling (Am)
soul He looked be(C)
yond my faults and saw (G)
my (C)
need Verse 2 If not for grace, my soul would be a drifting ship With no safe harbor from the angry waves But Calvary's cross shines brightly through the darkest storm And just in time, His mercy rescues me.
Easy Chords for beginners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.