All That Thrills My Soul Words: Thoro Harris Tune: Thoro Harris Category: Praise G C D7 G 1. Who can cheer the heart like Je -sus, By his pres-ence all - divine? 2. Love of Christ so free-ly giv -en, Grace of God be-yond - de-gree, 3. What a won-der-ful re - demp-tion! Nev-er can a mor-tal - know 4. Ev-ery need His hand sup -ply -ing, Ev-ery good in Him I - see; 5. By the crys-tal, flow-ing riv -er, With the ran-somed I will sing, G C D7 G 1. True and ten-der, pure and pre -cious, O how blest to call Him mine! 2. Mer-cy high-er than the heav-en, Deep-er than the deep-est sea! 3. How my sin, tho' red like crim-son, Can be whit-er than the snow. 4. On His strength di-vine re-ly - ing, He is All in All to me. 5. And for-ev-er and for -ev -er Praise and glo-ri-fy the King. Chorus G D7 Emin D C A7 D All that thrills my soul is Je-sus; He is more than life to me. G C D7 G And the fair-est of ten thou-sand In my bless-ed Lord I see.