Who Is He In Yonder Stall Lyrics
By Benjamin R. Hanby
Who is He in yonder (C)
stall At Whose (G)
feet the (Em)
shepherds (D)
fall? (G)
Who is He in deep (C)
distress, Fasting (G)
in the (Em)
ness? Chorus (C)
’Tis the (G)
Lord! O wondrous (C)
story! ’Tis the (D)
Lord! the King of (Em)
glory! (G)
At His (C)
feet we (G)
humbly (Am)fall, Crown Him! (G)
crown Him, (D)
Lord of (C)
all! Who is He the people bless For His words of gentleness? Who is He to Whom they bring All the sick and sorrowing? Who is He that stands and weeps At the grave where Lazarus sleeps? Who is He the gathering throng Greet with loud triumphant song Lo! at midnight, who is He Prays in dark Gethsemane? Who is He on yonder tree Dies in grief and agony? Who is He that from the grave Comes to heal and help and save? Who is He that from His throne Rules through all the world alone?
These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.