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Old Time Religion

G                                                                        D7             G 
Give me that old time religion, Give me that old time religion,
                                         C              G           D7          G 
Give me that old time religion, It's good enough for me.
G                                                          D7                G 
It was good for our mothers, It was good for our mothers.
                                 C                           G          D7           G 
It was good for our mothers, And it’s good enough for me.
G                                                                D7            G
Makes me love everybody, Makes me love everybody.
                                     C                      G         D7           G
Makes me love everybody, And it’s good enough for me.
G                                                  D7            G
It has saved our fathers, It has saved our fathers.
                             C                         G          D7          G
It has saved our fathers, And it’s good enough for me.
G                                                  D7                   G
It will do when I am dying, It will do when I am dying.
                                 C                       G          D7           G
It will do when I am dying, And it’s good enough for me.
G                                                     D7                  G
It will take us all to Heaven, It will take us all to Heaven.
                                C                           G         D7           G
It will take us all to Heaven, And it’s good enough for me.
Text and Music: Traditional
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